Saturday, March 29, 2014

The Grand 5 Sacred Buddha Amulets (五大名佛)

The Grand 5 Sacred Buddha Amulets (五大名佛)

Phra Nang Phaya were created during of Ayuttaya era, Pitsanulok province. The major discovered are from Wat Nang Phaya around B.E.2444. The temple was said to be built for merits making to his Queen, the mother of King Naresuan, the Thai people given name “Queen of Thailand amulets”. Phra Nang Phaya are very famous for bless strong with attractiveness and respectful from all others, also power on charm and safe from all dangers.

Phra Rod
Phra Rod was created by a hermit. First discovered during the earlier days of King Rama 5 reign when a pagoda from Wat Mahawan in Lumpoon province. The Thai people regard this particular amulet as Buddha of Escape, they have superb Buddhistic power, especially in protection and being safe from all dangers and disasters or misfortunes. They are made of clay and the oldest once are over 1,250 years old.
The Grand 5 Sacred Buddha Amulets 
is actually an ancient word from Pali. Benja means 5 kind or type, Pakee means set or grouping.
So BenjaPakee means 5 different types of amulets in a group or set.
A group of well-known amulet collectors in early 1950s suggested a guide for the thai people, the best choice to worn on their neck, Also taking into consideration of the Buddha history, age, form and size etc.
The great BenjaPakee amulets are:

1. Phra Somdej (King of Amulet)
2. Phra Nang Phaya (Queen of Amulet)
3. Phra Rod
4. Phra Phong Supan
5. Phra Somkor
Phra Somdej
Phra Somdej were created by Somdej Phra BuddhaJahn Toh Prommarangsri (Somdej Toh). He’s a son of King Rama I. He started to make Phra Somdej amulets in B.E.2409. Materials for making Phra somdej comprise: Shell lime, holy powder, assorted flowers from shine, rice, lotus, ashes, honey, banana, tang oil, etc. Then chanted with spells and meditate. To bless every life in this world for good karma and strong protection against negative energy. Total of 84,000 amulets was made at the time. Phra Somdej Wat Rakhang is once of the most famous and the best amulets from Thailand.

Phra Phong Supan
Phra Phong Supan were discovered on B.E. 2456 in Wat Phra Sri Ratanamahathat, Supan Buri province. According to a golden scripture found together in the pagoda which described that Phra Phong Supan was created by Phra Mahathera PiyaThassi Saribut during the period of King Bormrajathiraj 2nd. It has strong ”U-thong” art style. Most of unique of this amulets is at the back had a thumb print of the creator. A superb Buddha amulets had all mighty protective power against weapon and bring good luck. Is the most powerful amulets of ever.

Phra Somkor
Phra Somkor were first discovered on B.E. 2392 in Wat Phra Boromathat. Gumpangpeth province.
The amulets were created in the era King Phra Maha Dharmarajalitai, the 5th king of Sukhothai. Phra Somkor is a mixture of Sukhothai-Lanka (Sri Lanka) style. It form a sitting posture of a thumb shape. According to memorandum of Wat Phra Boromathat, Phra Somkor amulets were made by 11 hermits or Phra Lersi using special materials and invited Devadas to create the molds.
There is a slogan for Phra Somkor ” If you have me, you never get poor”. Estimated to be made some 550 years.

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